
Macedonian diatom society

On 10.05.2024, a taxonomic workshop will be organized and moderated by Bart Van de Vijver (Meise Botanic Garden, Belgium).

Theme of the workshop will be the European species of the araphid genera Staurosira and Staurosirella. Recent taxonomic revisions, often based on (renewed) analysis of original type material, have led to a better understanding of these genera. Our concept of several commonly known taxa such as Staurosira venter and Staurosirella pinnata proved to be incorrect or incomplete and needed an update. Given the importance of these genera in European freshwater habitats and their regular occurrence in paleo-ecological records, we feel it is important to present a state-of-the-art overview of the European species of both genera.

The Staurosira-Staurosirella workshop will consist of two parts. During the morning session, a detailed overview lecture will document and discuss the morphological features and ecological preferences of all European Staurosira and Staurosirella species, with special focus on how to distinguish and separate the species. In the afternoon, selected species will be illustrated using light microscopy and material from type slides and other populations from Europe. Participants are invited to send material and/or slides to the organizers so that they can be discussed during the workshop.

The number of participants is limited to 30.  

A registration fee of €175 (€100 for students) will be asked for participation. This fee includes a detailed course book, coffee breaks and lunch. Payment of the registration fee will be done directly at the same time as your registration for the conference with the same registration and reimbursement procedures.