Young ISDR networking
Young ISDR invites Early Career Researchers to a networking event on Friday 10th after the Workshop (18h). We are planning some fun activities, to get to know one another with free nibbles and drinks. We hope to see you there!

Diatom filigree workshop
Derived from the Latin words “filum”, meaning thread, and “granum”, meaning grain, filigree is an ancient art form that has been appreciated as far back as 2500 B.C. Twisted and formed to closely resemble lace, filigree refers to the openwork design of an exquisitely entwined bouquet of fine silver, gold, or other metal threads. This lacing of metal was originally used to decorate personal ornaments, including manuscript covers, armor, crosses, and royal crowns.
The filigree technique has been part of our material and immaterial cultural heritage, and we would like to share with you our knowledge and passion for it.
In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to make your own diatom filigree jewelry.
We will start with a little talk and demonstration of the technique. Then, you will be able to choose a silver diatom template and experiment with different ways of filling it. In the next step, with our guidance and assistance, we will solder and finish the pieces.
Through this process, you will become acquainted with the concept and principles of filigree art. You will also create your own piece of jewelry, a pair of earrings or a pendant, as a unique souvenir from Ohrid.
The materials and tools will be provided and are included in the price. No previous jewelry making knowledge is required.
Duration: 2–3 hours
Price: 150 euro